

  • 5
  • ¡Algo que decir al mundo!

    Hellou out there! I'm a 16 year old girl from Germany who likes to meet some people of all over the world. I love everything that has to do with animals or nature or even music... I think I could count much more things up to here but I don't want to confuse you before getting to know me 🙂

  • Estoy emocionado por...

    My interests are Books, films, drawing, animals, taking Photos, listening and making music, dancing and sports... well it's a bit much while going to school but somehow it has to fit 😉

  • Haz del mundo un mejor lugar

    There are way to much people in this world who don't take care of our nature and the animals that live in there!

  • Viviendo en el extranjero por un año

    I'd really love to go for one year to Iceland. I actually really like every country in the North of our beautiful planet, but especially Iceland. I love nature and animals and any kind of fairrytale!

  • Libros/autores/películas de tu preferencia

    I love everything what has to do with books or films so I can't say.

