

  • 3
  • Ciudades y países que he visitado

    I have worked in Maldives and Myanmar and I have visited Thailand. Myanmar is a nice country to work since people of Myanmar are very friendly.

  • Mis intereses en otras culturas

    Every people love their own culture. so I respect them. I prefer to experience the different cultures also.

  • Un reto personal

    Make an speech in front a crowd is very hard thing. But I manage to do it.

  • Libros/autores/películas de tu preferencia

    I have several favorite books and films. At the moment I could not remember everything. But I like Alone in berlin, the reader.

  • Viviendo en el extranjero por un año

    Definitely I will go to a European country. I like the environment, living condition, people, culture of those countries.

  • Algo no muy común sobre mi

    I am very calm & silent. But I wanted to break it.

