

  • 14
  • ¡Algo que decir al mundo!

    Hey everyone! My name is Brandi and I am here to meet all kinds of new people, make friends, and learn about different cultures. I am a voice-over artist. I love being outdoors.. Hiking, swimming, canoeing, kayaking, etc. I love exploring abandoned buildings. I also enjoy thrift shopping. I'm pretty opened minded and easygoing and would love to talk with you about anything!

  • Siempre disfruto hablar sobre...

    I always enjoy talking about people's passions. I want to know what people are interested in and what gets them fired up!

  • Remordimientos

    I am lucky enough to have had a life full of wonderful experiences so far. There is nothing in my life that I regret and there never will be.

  • En 10 años

    I would like to have traveled all across the United States in an Rv with my dog. I would also like to meet an adventurous man and fall in love. I want to see and explore as many parts of the world as I can. I would also like to be pretty well-known and admired, especially for my voice-over skills.

  • Ciudades y países que he visitado

    I have traveled to many major cities all over the US, including Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, New York, and I have been to over half of the states. I have traveled outside of the US once, to Costa Rica, but I would love to visit many more countries.

  • Viviendo en el extranjero por un año

    If I could live abroad for one year, I would probably go to Spain. I went to school with a couple people from there and I would love to see them again. I think the culture is really interesting and I love the food!

  • Es mejor ahora

    I think it is extremely useful that we have endless knowledge on the edge of our fingertips, at all times. The internet has it's pros and cons but it is definitely a great tool. I remember when I first started using the internet, this was one of the first websites I became very familiar with and it actually helped me become the person I am today!

  • Libros/autores/películas de tu preferencia

    My current favorite book is "You Are A Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life" by Jen Sincero. I don't really read as much as I should, but when I do... I enjoy self-help books haha.

    There are way too many movies to think of and I like a lot..
    Spirit, Wild America, The Prestige, Inglorious Basterds, A Walk on the Moon, and SO many more.

  • Algo no muy común sobre mi

    I am a voice-over artist.

  • Me preocupa...

    The world is basically on lock-down until the corona virus gets under control. I don't think life will go back to how it was any time soon. It could be months before things go back to normal.

