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  • Mis intereses en otras culturas

    I like the Beatles a lot, and I'm looking forward to visit Liverpool and Berlin. I'm also interested in Indian culture, because it's a little bit mysterious (mostly because I love George Harrison a lot...). Actually, I'm literally interested in all of the mythologies and religions, and I think it would be great if someone can tell me something about your culture. I'd like to be a spiritual person, but not someone always in the material world. And that's why I appreciate the Beatles, especially George a lot.
    Here in China, most of the people don't have a very unmovable belief, but we have a lot of ancient building (and they are tremendous!) and many people go visit the temples for a good fortune. Actually, I don't have a very strong belief in those. Also, I like philosophy a lot.
    I like Japanese culture a lot, and I enjoy watching anime! My favorite ones are Naruto and recently Tower of God. I also love Furry-culture, I love creating my own Fursona, they're so cute. I love mother nature, I love the animals and plants, and magnificent sights. I love traveling, but due to this virus I can't go to any where. T T
    Even though I'm living here in Mainland China, I prefer using traditional Chinese more. I love its beauty and I love Cantonese! 所以,如果你說國語,不管你在哪裡,也請找我玩呀!我超喜歡蘇打綠和張國榮、梅艷芳的。

  • Un reto personal

    I'm trying to learn things about Vinyl records or cds! If somebody know something about that please send me a text, I have no idea how to start...

  • Desearía que la gente sepa más sobre...

    The beauty of the art pieces back-days. They are not out of date, in fact they have more inside beauty. (Otherwise they can't even be seen nowadays...) Actually I prefer to like a person back-days (sorry about my poor English...), especially those had passed away. There are all cons and pros, like, you can meet those people who are still alive and tell them about your love. But people can always change, I don't like the feeling like one of the people that I trusted and loved suddenly does something really bad and I can't like him or her any more with that situation (God I don't know how to say). On the other hand, if I am obsessed with a person who already passed away, I might also feel sorry about its death. I can't see or hear any more of its work. It's like, the person can't do anything further, there might be a lot of regretter and tribute. But I kind of like the feeling of knowing that the person won't change and all I need to do is to love the person in that time and in that situation, and don't need to worry about those changeable devils.
    I also wish that people can be more kind and patient, and handle with things more gently. I hate discrimination against skin colour, sex, sexuality, interest, and all those, and all the affected people who said that they won't discriminating people, but still think others as unusual beings. I hate those

  • ¡Algo que decir al mundo!

    Peace and love!!! Please!!!

  • Haz del mundo un mejor lugar

    All I want to say is in the song Imagine by John Lennon. I think it is impossible, but I think people should always look for spirits in the material world, and stop being stubborn and mean... I think the world can be better.
    Oh, another point is that I wish human can live with animals and plants-- mother nature-- in harmony, and treat each other gently.

  • Soy un experto en...

    Definitely at watching movies, especially Hong-Kong movies! I bought a lot of book about it. I love those 90s and 80s movies from Hong-Kong. I love Wong Kar-wai the most. I appreciate how he use those colours and the background music and the way he uses the cameras. My favorite is Days of Being Wild, Time, and Happy Together by Wong Kai-wai, A Better Tomorrow, and Once A Thief by John Woo (it's so hard to choose one).
    I also love drawing and designing my own fursona. That's a lot of fun!
    I started learning the violin last winter and I'm progressing now XD (I hope so) and I love classical pieces a lot.

  • Libros/autores/películas de tu preferencia

    I love L'Étranger by Albert Camus, 吶喊 by 魯迅, and all Murakami Haruki's books. I like to read poems, especially those by 陳黎, Tagore, and Charles Bukowski.
    As I mentioned before, I'm obsessed with Wong Kar-wai. I like Alfred Hitchcock as well. I love the movie called Farewell My Concubine by Chen Kai-ge, which is a Chinese epic movie. I've watched it for at least seven times.
    I'm obsessed with the Beatles, I love almost all the songs of them. My favorite album is Sgt. Pepper and my favorite number is Let It Be. I like the songs after their divorce as well... I like Paul's Silly Love Songs, and his later band Wings was great as well. I love George's All Things Must Pass and Beware of Darkness and all the Indian style pieces he created. I love John's Imagine and I 'm ok with Yoko now (kind of, actually). And it's surprising that how funny Ringo is! Even if he is already 80 now! Beatles forever!

  • Viviendo en el extranjero por un año

    I was born in California, but we moved back to China when I was three ( or four). Because my parents divorced and my mother took me back to China. So I can actually speak Chinese better. I lived in Singapore for, like, six months at my age of eight because my mom had a meeting there. I think it was a clean, wonderful place.
    I think for now, I might be looking forward to living in Buenos Aires, Argentina, because I want to visit the place where Leslie Cheung stayed and lived, and I love the beautiful streets and building styles there. I also want to visit the end of the world there. But I think it too expensive to travel there, and I think it's too far away from my home in Shanghai. And I can only speak a little bit of Spanish... I think it will be far too difficult to live there. I want to go to Iceland as well, but it is too cold and too dark in the winter, and I have no idea about Icelandic. I think I'll go to Liverpool instead, I have a special longing with it.

  • Estoy emocionado por...

    Formula 1 2021!!! Can't wait to seeeeee@,.,@

