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  • ¡Algo que decir al mundo!

    Hi!!!!!!!🤭I'm a 17 year old from China.I hope to make friends here on this platform(meanwhile improving my English lol)
    I'm INTJ-T;AB blood type;
    I like to talk about all kinds of things,like books,movies,music,culture,hobbies,nature......(I'll avoid political topics though)
    My favorite books are:《围城》《Harry Potter》《A Brief History of Time》《Twilight》《The Spy and the Traitor》...
    My favorite movies are:'the god father' 'lala land' 'moonknight'...
    My favorite singers are:许巍,万能青年旅店,Christina Perri, Michael Jackson,Anson Seabra,Us the Duo,Imagine Dragons...
    My ideal university is NUS,I'm considering to choose Math as my major.
    I'm welcome to all cultures,so DON'T HESITATE TO CONTACT ME😸😸😸I'm sure we will have a good time together!
    (Usually I can only reply on weekends due to schoolwork,But I promise I will reply as soon as I can!!!)
    Best Wishes🌹🌹🌹

  • Haz del mundo un mejor lugar

    NO WAR PLEASE!!!!!!!!

  • Un truco o consejo

    JUST SAY ------'IF'
    1.You happen to be a friend of mine
    2.You happen to visit Chengdu,Sichuan province,China
    3.I happen to have time
    I can take you around the city!

  • Algo no muy común sobre mi

    The three words to describe myself would be: too-easily-affected, some-what-clever and naive. The surroundings can affect me hugely. On most things, I don't have my own judgment. If someone says that "this shirt is beautiful", then I would identify it as beautiful and think of it beautiful. I'm more comfortable judging myself but not others. I always consider myself smart, but I know that I'm actually not that genius. Naive is just naive, I think you are able to figure out this point by yourself.

  • Me preocupa...

    My greatest fear is my strength dose not match my ambitions.

  • Estoy emocionado por...

    For me: I'm most passionate about "learning", not sitting in the classroom and listening to the teachers but learn something that can fill my mind. eg: learn a new theory and try to prove it or learn a tip which can be useful in life, to help me see this world more clearly.

  • Mis logros de mayor orgullo

    I have not yet any accomplishment which I'm rather proud of.

  • Una carrera sin obstáculos

    My ideal job is to be a college teacher. Because I want to find somewhere which provide me with the opportunity to learn, think, find truth without too many things to disturb me. My greatest hope is to know the TRUTH about this world off by heart. It's a hope because it's never possible.

  • Libros/autores/películas de tu preferencia

    哈利波特不能说是我最喜欢的书,但起码也算“之一”,通过阅读(加上听stephen fry朗读的版本)这本书,我的英语有了很大的提升。我有的时候甚至能够记住下书中一句话是什么。还喜欢各种人物传记和科普啊什么的。电影的话目前为止没有特别喜欢的,感觉绝大多数电影情节都很容易猜出来呀。比较喜欢《me before you

  • Ciudades y países que he visitado


  • Mis intereses en otras culturas


  • Soy un experto en...


  • Para mejorar el sistema escolar...


  • Habilidades personales


  • Siempre disfruto hablar sobre...

    HAPPINESS for me is to forget myself. When I'm truly happy I no longer felt like a human but some kind of colorful smoke hanging in the air, warm.I learned from life that nothing comes easy and I cannot know all the things and don't surround myself by crowds.I could easily lost "me" in the crowd.I lost my own feeling.I don't want people to remember me because I'm comfortable enough in my own mind.What's more part:I hate talking about other people behind their backs,even if you are talking about something good about him or her, I would feel physically disgusted.I don't want to FIND topics when hanging out with someone,I think if one has nothing to share then silence is the best choice,I wouldn't find it strange to have someone sitting beside me while we are having no communication.

  • De pequeño siempre quise...

    If I'm given the chance to live again, I'd develop more talent! I maybe would take a calligraphy lesson, cos' my handwriting is awwwwwful ! I am not going to give up GO and badminton too early. Also, I think I need to learn how to communicate with others properly.

  • Un reto personal


  • Mis sentimientos sobre el futuro

    I actually have a 'secret' hope— 'to be immortal'. Though I'm still young, I'm afraid of aging. There are so many things to learn, so many places to go, so many questions to be answered, so many people to love.... It just seems that the amount of time I have's far not enough. (also I'm afraid of one day losing my mm)

  • Placeres de la infancia

    I liked to fall on the ground purposely美其名曰:假摔), and collect insect bodies. 这两个很奇怪,其他都很正常的啦什么午休的时候坐起来数有几个小朋友没睡着,在院子里面疯耍,拉着一伙人做法('妈咪妈咪吼'之类的),在地上爬,从七八格台阶上往下跳,打手电筒看书,做几何题,看纪录频道,看荒野求生,在手上假装画伤口,把腿翘在桌上写作业,欺负同桌......省流------憨批

  • Recientemente aprendí...

    I've learned a lot recently. It's time for me to decide exactly what kind of person I would like to be, my thoughts and view towards the world is still not settled. I will be very careful to guide myself, aviod to be the person I hate, have an ideal character which I think will be of great help for the rest of my life.最后真诚的希望当我的价值观最终形成了之后,不会后悔自己之前作出的决定,因为那是已经很难改变了~~~(ps:希望自己成为一个:尖锐,有大局观,宽容,善于交流,乐观,笑点低,时不时耍点小聪明,坚持,不盲目,不随波逐流,不逃避过去,有创意,理性,有收拾,不畏惧死亡,洞悉他人,敢于承认错误,思想开放,健康,对亲近的人真诚,不猜疑,不攀比,不那么为他人活,不排挤他人,国际化,世界公民,有上进向上的家庭,不被轻易打击,自信,灵活变通,情商适度高的人)

  • En 10 años

    Several versions
    be in china(or Singapore,or usa...)
    as a college student
    or a financial worker
    or a high school teacher
    or work on earthwork
    I could even work for elon musk! I mean who the hell knows!?

  • Desearía que la gente sepa más sobre...

    Protecting the earth看着新闻都揪心ah
    holly shit I'm a now 12th grade student now.

  • Viviendo en el extranjero por un año

    If I have the chance to live aboard I would go to any country as long as it is safe there. I would spend my time there experience different culture, breath in exotic odour, make new friends...

  • Remordimientos

    I shouldn't have so much time spent on playing games and watching short videos😭😭😭😭😭

  • Valorado o subestimado

    The ability to change (whether one's personality or the way to cope with the world) has been underestimated

