

  • 2
  • Algo no muy común sobre mi

    I dunno if this is exactly "unique" but I get along with a lot of older people. I dunno why but I think it's because I'm more mature than most people my age maybe

    And I guess one other thing that I think makes me unique, is the fact that I am a little. If you don't know what a little is you can just ask me. But in case you're scared to ask, a little is someone who basically just acts younger than their actual age. Whether it's for coping or just for the fun of it or whatever. :3 I'll go into more detail if you message me about it tho. That's just what it is in simple terms.

  • Estoy emocionado por...

    Meeting new people on here and just having a good time. I'm here for friends but am open to hear what else we could be. Crime partners, muic lovers, Thing 1 & Thing 2 (I'd be Thing 1 cause, I'm number 1😎) Or just whatever, idc. As long as you have cool, good vibes, then we good :3

  • Mis intereses en otras culturas

    Poland: So since I tend to talk to a lot of Polish people, I think it would be great if someone could maybe help me try to learn and understand the language of Poland

    Also Spanish bc I'm Puerto Rican, buttttttt I don't know any Spanish soooo... But I do know/understand a little bit so, a little is better than none, right? :3

  • Mis logros de mayor orgullo

    I think getting into BCTC (Berks Career & Technology Center a.k.a vo-tech) is one of my proudest accomplishments. I go in for automotive and it's great. I get to work on vroom vrooms

  • Siempre disfruto hablar sobre...

    Well I mean, I like music, games, nature, animals, camping, fishing, cars, and watching anime sooo...

    My favorite artists are; Metallica, Slayer, Megadeth, Anthrax, Motorhead, Ozzy Osbourne, Green Day, Nelly, Eminem, Black Sabbath, and some other random people.

  • De pequeño siempre quise...

    I think I would change the things I did that got me in trouble so that I didn't get in trouble for those things

  • Placeres de la infancia

    Idk why but when I was little, I always wanted to work at a GameStop. I guess I just liked games that much. Most of my childhood was games so there really isn't more more to say, lol

  • Recientemente aprendí...

    A lot of car stuff

  • Ciudades y países que he visitado

    I've only ever been in the U.S. I've been to;

    North Carolina
    South Carolina
    New York
    New Jersey
    And Puerto Rico, even tho that is outside the U.S...

    Fun fact: I was in the 2011 Joplin Missouri f-5 Tornado

  • Soy un experto en...

    The things I'm an expert at, duh

  • Valorado o subestimado

    Stranger Things is so overrated

  • Me preocupa...

    The new generation. Yes I guess you can say I am in the new generation, but my fellows teens, and I guess younger people too, are just straight up dumb


gothicGenius gothicGenius

Thanks for your message. I've been so busy it's killing me.

Sad_facee Sad_facee

nice guy

JoseShaw JoseShaw
