

  • 6
  • ¡Algo que decir al mundo!

    Hi everyone! My name is Riko from the Netherlands. I like to meet people over the world and talk about our different cultures. I prefer to speak in English.
    I'm a writer and videomaker. I like to write columns, books and stories, and I make video's for business people, after movies, ...
    What are you doing? Where are you from?

  • Ciudades y países que he visitado

    I like to travel a lot to see different country's and hear different languages!

  • Soy un experto en...

    I'm a writer and filmmaker and write columns, books and story's. I make video's for businesspeople and things like after movies.

  • Siempre disfruto hablar sobre...

    I like to talk about spirituality, about people, about traveling, about you.

