

  • 6
  • ¡Algo que decir al mundo!

    Hi, I'm Weronika from Poland. I'm here, because I want to talk with other people from the whole world. My english is presently not very good, so I would like to improve my skills. I'm really interested in Russian language and I know it quite good.

  • Libros/autores/películas de tu preferencia

    Reading book is my love. I read almost everything, except romances. I really like books about science, history, economic; adventure novels and sometimes classic literature. I go to the cinema really often. I love polish and russian films, but other films are ok, too (except romantic comedy🙂. I like watching horrors, thrillers, sometimes drama ahd historical films.

    Bardzo lubię czytać książki i oglądać filmy - chodzę do kina przynajmniej raz w tygodniu. Lubię filmy historyczne, przygodowe i naukowe, a także thrillery i horrory. Nie znoszę komedii romantycznych.

  • Ciudades y países que he visitado

    I've never been outside Europe. I've visited of Germany, Czech Republic, England, Spain, Portugal and Italy. When I was a little child, I lived in France, but I don't remember it. My dream is travel to Russia.

    Nigdy nie byłam poza Europą, dotchczas byłam w Niemczech, Czechach, Włoszech, Hiszpanii, w Portugalii i w Anglii Jako dziecko 2 lata mieszkałam we Francji, ale nic już z tego nie pamiętam 🙂 Bardzo chciałabym odwiedzić Rosję.

  • Mis intereses en otras culturas

    I love Russian culture, especially films and music, but generally whole Russia fascinated me. I've never been there, but I'm sure that I will go once.

    Fascynuję się kulturą rosyjską, staram się pogłębiać wiedzę na jej temat.

  • Siempre disfruto hablar sobre...

    I'm really open-minded person. I'm interested about many topics, especially science, literature, films, Russia and russian language, history, economy and politic, but I can talking about everything what you want🙂 I love to find out about world.

    Chcę poznawać świat, dowiadywać się jak najwięcej.

  • Recientemente aprendí...

    Nowadays I learn Russian language really intensive. I talk with Russian friends in their language, watch films, listen Russian songs and go to private lessons one time in week. I'm study biology and physics, too.

    Obecnie intensywnie uczę się języka rosyjskiego. Chciałabym też poprawić angielski, kolega z Rosji polecił i tę stronę.

  • Soy un experto en...

    I know very much from biology and physics. I'm interested in it from always😉

    Bardzo dużo wiem z biologii i fizyki, zawsze się tym interesowałam 🙂

  • Mis logros de mayor orgullo

    Currently, I am preparing for the last stage of the nationwide competiton of russian language 🙂 A fact, that I am there, is probably my biggest achievement in a whole life, because I have studied russian for only one year.

    I became a finalist of nationwide competition of russian after barely one and half year of studying this language by me. I took a 48th place - almost the worst one, but anyway, I am really proud of myself.

    Chyba to, że niedawno Wygrałam konkursy: biologiczny i fizyczny. No i nauczyłam się nieźle rosyjskiego, poza szkołą (choć do perfekcji jeszcze daleko)

  • Viviendo en el extranjero por un año

    I dream about live in Russia one year, maybe longer, but not forever, I'm sure😉 Generally, I love my country and I would like to live there.

    Najchętniej w Rosji, albo w Niemczech, choć nie wiem czy tak długo bym wytrzymała🙂 Mimo wszystko lubię mieszkać w Polsce

  • Para mejorar el sistema escolar...

    School sistem is really bad in Poland. Teachers get very low salary. I would changed it if I could do it

  • Un truco o consejo

    Never don't think that you can't do something. There aren't impossible things if you really want to achieve something. I know it sounds quite typical, but I know it from my own experiences 🙂

  • Algo no muy común sobre mi

    I have twin sister. I have short hairs, she has long one, but people always say that we are identical 😑

  • Mi padres y yo

    My dad is one of the most clever and wise people, who I've ever met. He is the biggest authoritet for me. I can talk with him about simply everything, we often spend all saturday mornings together, discussing about science, economic, philosophy or religions 🙂 Though I hate his passion about CLEANING, I love him anyway.

    My mum... it is quite hard topic, we often argue with each other 😉

