What do you think of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics? Politics and governments

We are here to discuss sport
Yeah.But someone just wanna alienate one from another here,they're so funny
Who are you talking about?

why is there no liberty in that games?

why is there no liberty in that games?
I remember you said that you wouldn't watch a single game. Then what you talking about now? If you even didn't watch it, where is your statement come from? A statement without proof is bullshit. Besides, if you are really careless to 'such a country with no human rights', then why are you keeping sending posts here?

why is there no liberty in that games?
I remember you said that you wouldn't watch a single game. Then what you talking about now? If you even didn't watch it, where is your statement come from? A statement without proof is bullshit. Besides, if you are really careless to 'such a country with no human rights', then why are you keeping sending posts here?

well indded I am not watching them, but the is no liberty eighter

why is there no liberty in that games?
I remember you said that you wouldn't watch a single game. Then what you talking about now? If you even didn't watch it, where is your statement come from? A statement without proof is bullshit. Besides, if you are really careless to 'such a country with no human rights', then why are you keeping sending posts here?

well indded I am not watching them, but the is no liberty eighter

Please prove that there's no liberty eighter with an EXACT truth

The question was asked about boycotting and what people think of it at the beginning of this.
Some might argue that sport and politics are separate. However the Olympics is also one of those events which showcases a country to the world and celebrates it. People object to celebrating the Chinese government because its an authoritarian regime with an awful human rights record.
Cue the rhetoric of "Western media lies". Then the cry-bully tactic of "why do you hate China?"

I don’t now ,, i had clicked into this topic looking forward to some Olympic things but there’s only politics.. i think that this 2022 Olympic is pretty good but its a pity that I haven’t got to Beijing and see it there

I am not sure, i actually feel quite normal living here, it is just like any other country, and you. Can totally acce pt the government because we do have a lot of freedom still.

The question was asked about boycotting and what people think of it at the beginning of this.
Some might argue that sport and politics are separate. However the Olympics is also one of those events which showcases a country to the world and celebrates it. People object to celebrating the Chinese government because its an authoritarian regime with an awful human rights record.
Cue the rhetoric of "Western media lies". Then the cry-bully tactic of "why do you hate China?"

How can you criticize the life in China when you don't even live there? That's quite ridiculous. The winter olympic had been hold successfully, didn't it?

Chinese media lies, Russian media lies, Catarian media lies, Western media lies, Klakokian media lies, even if Klakokia doesn't exist but you see what I mean. I had some experiences of hearing something on the media after having been at the place, so maybe it would be a good solution to not accuse each other of being brainwashed.
I don't boycot a worldcop because of a country, but because of my personnal ideology. For example, I was against the one of 2014 because of all those families which was hunted from their own for the construction of the stadium. That was just this event, I don't boycot all things which take place in Brazile. Besides, similar things can happen even in France, even if it would create a BIG scandale.
And at last, I'll say that I didn't really like what happened in Catar a few years ago, but I heard that the situation changed, maybe not enough can say some people, I don't know, I'm not an expert. I don't even know if it's true or not. Yes, I confess my lack of knowledge at this point, so I won't say anymore. But I'm not sure I'll follow it. Tbh, I misset the Euro and I didn't know who won it before July, and I forgot it. It can be funny not to know ho won a Worldcop.
Just kitting (only for the last sentence)

Chinese media lies, Russian media lies, Catarian media lies, Western media lies, Klakokian media lies, even if Klakokia doesn't exist but you see what I mean. I had some experiences of hearing something on the media after having been at the place, so maybe it would be a good solution to not accuse each other of being brainwashed.
I don't boycot a worldcop because of a country, but because of my personnal ideology. For example, I was against the one of 2014 because of all those families which was hunted from their own for the construction of the stadium. That was just this event, I don't boycot all things which take place in Brazile. Besides, similar things can happen even in France, even if it would create a BIG scandale.
And at last, I'll say that I didn't really like what happened in Catar a few years ago, but I heard that the situation changed, maybe not enough can say some people, I don't know, I'm not an expert. I don't even know if it's true or not. Yes, I confess my lack of knowledge at this point, so I won't say anymore. But I'm not sure I'll follow it. Tbh, I misset the Euro and I didn't know who won it before July, and I forgot it. It can be funny not to know ho won a Worldcop.
Just kitting (only for the last sentence)
I agree with you

People from all over the world is dancing together,that's more like it,that's the right stream
thats true in chinas concentraitioncamps like XinJiang or how would you call to put humans into a locked area torture them, beat the crap out of them for beeing in an other religion or oppinion? And please read newspapers of vale like the NYT WP and so on.... there you will find out what is wrong with you country and the politics.... well I could do a list of whats good...


This is your so-called * evidence *😂 that's ridiculous, have you really been here? Most of my classmates are Muslim, and my father has taken me to Xinjiang many times. The people there are friendly and harmonious. You would rather believe your stupid fake media than us who actually live in China, just because you capitalists are afraid of the proletariat destroying your ruling position!You keep talking about human rights and your stupid new Chancellor of Germany turns to Putin and says * our generation didn't have a war in Europe * Putin says * Yugoslavia didn't? * You western countries always talk about human rights and freedom. This is bullshit. You've been interfering with people all over the world who want independence, the Middle East, Southeast Asia, the Balkans, etc. You've been killing people, killing children, and talking about human rights.Your European partner Serbia is the best example, they hate what you do, Iran, Afghanistan more so!Why don't you look at your own neo-Nazi groups and nationalists, you speak of human rights, why don't you release your Nazis?Is it human rights to call ultranationalists out?

OK guys. I just went through every single comment in this topic. There are what I am going to say:

1. This world is diversity. You may not like a country, but it probably doesn't means that it is a bad country. Everyone has different preference on this matter, due to culture difference, different concepts, different living habits.etc.

2. In the social media, stories are always been selected according to the political position. So try to learn critical thinking.
(Chinese government is trying to help people from Xinjiang financially and politically. That is the truth.)

Someone who answers with benevolence at last!

OK guys. I just went through every single comment in this topic. There are what I am going to say:

1. This world is diversity. You may not like a country, but it probably doesn't means that it is a bad country. Everyone has different preference on this matter, due to culture difference, different concepts, different living habits.etc.

2. In the social media, stories are always been selected according to the political position. So try to learn critical thinking.
(Chinese government is trying to help people from Xinjiang financially and politically. That is the truth.)

We do not hate china for being communist and such, but because you voilated the mcmohan line or India China border in 2022 causing the galwan valley clash, and in 1962 causing Sino Indian war

OK guys. I just went through every single comment in this topic. There are what I am going to say:

1. This world is diversity. You may not like a country, but it probably doesn't means that it is a bad country. Everyone has different preference on this matter, due to culture difference, different concepts, different living habits.etc.

2. In the social media, stories are always been selected according to the political position. So try to learn critical thinking.
(Chinese government is trying to help people from Xinjiang financially and politically. That is the truth.)

We do not hate china for being communist and such, but because you voilated the mcmohan line or India China border in 2022 causing the galwan valley clash, and in 1962 causing Sino Indian war
STOP,what are u saying?Everyone knows who did these things

Everyone? Apparently not. Please, in all political subjects on this website, wouldn't you stop accusing each other and debating with respect and intelligence?

Everyone? Apparently not. Please, in all political subjects on this website, wouldn't you stop accusing each other and debating with respect and intelligence?
I blame each other? Who did I blame? You have been blaming us?

Este tema ha estado inactivo por un tiempo y ahora es de solo lectura.